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135 Daisy St
Sandton, GP, 2031
South Africa


BPDC is a property holding company ranging from Sandton office space to a Camps bay Villa for overseas and local toursits.

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Luxury, stunning two bedroom apartment in the heart of Bournemouth

Luxury, stunning two bedroom apartment in the heart of Bournemouth

7 East Coast is a stunning new build (2017), two bedroom apartment offering a high quality finish. Carefully furnished for luxurious and comfortable living. Ideally located in the town centre of Bournemouth where you can walk to all local amenities and local beaches plus the added benefit of secure, allocated parking to explore the surroundings that Dorset has to offer; such as the New Forest and Jurassic coastline into Devon.



This property has a generously spacious open plan lounge, dining area and kitchen (integrated fridge/freezer, oven, dishwasher and washer/dryer) with two balconies. The master bedroom offers double bed with en-suite shower room and twin bedroom. Family bathroom with bath/shower combination.

This property has a complimentary starter pack designed to welcome you to the property, and save a trip to shops on your arrival date – we recommend you take advantage of our Shopping Service should you require provisions to last throughout your stay; please enquire for more details on this service.