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135 Daisy St
Sandton, GP, 2031
South Africa


BPDC is a property holding company ranging from Sandton office space to a Camps bay Villa for overseas and local toursits.

First Floor Suites 11-14

Suite 11

Rentable Area : 496.44m2
Balconies : 78m2
Parking Bays : 4.4/100m2 available

Rates for single offices

Suite 12

Rentable Area : 289.47m2
Balconies : 8.5m2
Parking Bays : 4.4/100m2 available

Suite 13

Rentable Area : 606.95m2
Balconies : 11m2
Parking Bays : 4.4/100m2 available

Suite 14

Rentable Area : 250.19m2
Balconies : 78m2
Parking Bays : 4.4/100m2 available

4) 1st Floor 2017-08-01 (Highlighted Suites).jpg