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135 Daisy St
Sandton, GP, 2031
South Africa


BPDC is a property holding company ranging from Sandton office space to a Camps bay Villa for overseas and local toursits.

Building Overview

Daisy Street Office Park is a commercial office park located in Sandown, very close to the central CBD of Sandton, the “Financial Capital’ of Africa.

The building comprises three floors and a penthouse of Executive office accommodation (5,225 m2 of rentable office space, 244m2 of storage space).

There are two basement parking levels providing 192 secure, undercover parking bays and an additional 35 external parking bays (5/100 m2 of rentable areas.) The external parking bays have been kept to a minimum, to maximize the landscaping on the site and thereby create a very natural environment to work in.

Special Features


  • Gautrain station 950m away with the nearest Gautrain bus stop being just 600m away

  • Standby Generator as a further backup to Solar and Eskom

  • Biometric Readers throughout building common areas

  • Thermal facial recognition scanners at main entrances to comply with COVID regulations

  • Board room rentals including Audio Conferencing, Video Conferencing, Webcasting and more

  • On-site Maintenance & Cleaning services are offered to tenants.

  • Reserve water tank and Borehole

  • Well established garden for Company events etc

  • High-speed fibre internet

  • Onsite IT specialist

  • LED and motion sensors throughout common areas to reduce electrical consumption

  • 24hr onsite security and response teams offer a safe environment to work in

  • Coffee bar, Patisserie and catering offered for functions and meetings

  • Garden and rooftop setup for tenant events and functions